family business research international center



Mr. Tatwamasi Dixit in his book- “Indian Family Business Mantras” brings in Indian ethos to explain certain business themes that can be brought into play in the 21st century business sphere.

There are many family businesses worldwide but Indian family businesses are distinctive and have their own governing characteristics. They inculcate a unique, embedded value system that included the socio-political concepts of Sama, Dana. Bheda and Danda- these are the Hindu philosophy’s four approaches to human interaction. These represent a logical progression or scale of techniques when dealing with individuals or situations that serve to strengthen respect in both the business and family environments.

1)    Sama- To convince an individual with common sense, equanimity and conciliation;


2)    Dana- To offer rewards or incentives as motivation;


3)    Bheda- to distinguish between what is good and  what is bad;


4)    Danda- when everything else fails, to use punishment or force.


For any relationship to be advantageous or symbiotic, relationships center on four types of bonding- physical, emotional, spiritual and societal. These four will be explained in detail tomorrow, so watch this space for more..!


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